- 到學生身上後,點選某一學生
- 並到學生資料右上角的"項目",點選"生活行為紀錄"
綠色表示該紀錄為good - 行政人員可修改所有學生的Behavior紀錄;選取某一筆後滑鼠左鍵點兩下,或點選下方"修改"即可修改;修改後教師端所看到的紀錄則會顯示由行政人員所改的紀錄。
- 打開系統後,到"學務作業"下的"檢視Behavior紀錄"
- 點開後,選擇查看的日期區間,則會顯示所有登記的Behavior紀錄 (所有ESL課程老師的紀錄都會出現)
教師端操作說明 (Teachers)
2. is where shows your course name. If you teach more than one course, then you'll see all your course listed on the page.
If you do not see your courses, please contact administrator.
3. If your have any records for the class, you'll see them listed at 3 spot.
4. Click ADD to add new behavior records.
5. After clicking new, the date will be brought out; and the default is today. But the date can be changed.
6. is where show all your students in this course. If there's anyone missing, please make sure with administrator.
7. is where you can select the behavior comments. The comments are from administrator's setting for all teachers or your own template. Or you can just type your own comments in the blank. The comments can be changed after you choose from default.
8. After typing/choosing the comment, please click the students. One comment can be applied for multiple students.
9. After you'll done with all the records, then save the record.
EX: Sleeping for four students of all, then change another comment for other students, and change the other comments again for other students, and then save all.
PS. One students can have a lot of records in a day. Just repeating the step 4-9.
10. After saving, it will show you all the records which are done.
11. The records can be edited again or deleted by you on this page. But administrator has the right to edit or delete your records.
12. Go back to homepage of Behavior, then you'll see all the courses' records listed. If you want to edit any of it, please click the course that you'd like to edit.
1. Click comment template after you enter behavior
2. is where you type your own behavior comments, and click ADD.
3. After adding, your'll see the new comment listed in your template list. Thus, when you add students behavior, you can select the comment from your own template.
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