- 進到ischool系統後,選擇"課程"。
- 到ESL課程>選擇設定
(1) 設定Attendance假別中英對照。
(1) 中文缺曠會依照學務作業中所設定的帶出 (無法在此編輯)
(2) 直接在英文對照名稱欄位輸入每個中文假別的英文對照名稱及縮寫
(3) 儲存後外師則會看到點名的假別
- 進到系統後,點選學務作業。
- 點選"課堂點名總覽"。
- 可依照日期其節次去選擇要查看的缺曠。
(1) 全部
(2) 未完成點名
(3) 有缺曠學生
教師端操作說明 (Teachers)
Roll call for your own class
2. is where remind you if you take the rolls of this course.
3. is where all your courses are listed, so choose the course when you're taking the rolls of a class.
If you do not see your courses, please contact administrator.
4. Then you'll have to choose the period of the course that you're taking the roll. For example, if your 403PE class is in the period 4, then please click period 4.
5. Then choose the type of absent reason. These types are set by administrator. It's all depended on school policy.
EX: Absent is for not taking the day off in advance. So the student is absent. Sick is the student is absent for sickness.
6. Click the students who are absent after your choose the type.
7. The types can be changed if there are different leaving types for all the students. Click on the students too.
9. is where show you the total number. Please submit after you're done. So that administrator will be able to see.
11. If you need to change the record, you can click on that course again and will be able to modify before that day ends. You won't be able to edit after today.
1. If you're helping other teacher give the lesson and take the roll for his class, please click substitute after enter attendance.
2. All the class of all grades will be shown, please choose the class that you are giving the lesson.
3. for example, you are teaching class 101's ESL_Test today.
4. After you choose the class, then you'll see all the course of this class. Please choose the course (ex: ESL_Test)
5. Then choose the period of this course. Then the following steps are the same as taking rolls of your own course.
上一步驟: 【ESL】操作手冊說明-設定ESL評分樣板
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