1. Click Routine report after login the system
2. Click ADD to add new Routine Report (weekly report) for the week.
3. The date will automatically be set for a week but it can be changed.
4. The following general comment is for all students, which means all the students will see the same comment if you type comment there.
5. If you have any quizzes scores put in gradebook during the week, then they will be brought out. You can choose which quizzes to show the parents or the students.
6. Then go to the next step: behavior setting
7. Teacher's comment if for personal, so that you can give each student their own personal comment.
8. If you have any behavior record in behavior during this week, they will be brought out too (by student); you can also check if there's any behavior you don't want to show their parents, or you can show them all.
9. The last step is to preview all the content for each student. If you have anything to change, please go previous steps and edit.
10. Save after you are done! After you save, the administrator will be able to print the Routine report out for each student and sent to them by the 1Campus App.
1. 到學生頁簽上
2. 點選學生後,按報表
3. 點開ESL報表
4. 點開 Routine Report 報表(若您發現此處為灰色無法點選,請確認以下兩點:
(1) 您有選取任何學生
(2) 您登入系統的帳號有使用此功能的權限
5. 點開 Routine Report 後,請先下載合併欄為總表檔案。
6. 請打開word檔,並在word檔上製作學校 Routine Report 的報表樣式(如下圖左側)
註:因 Routine Report 並無提供制式樣板,故學校須自行設計
7. 將剛剛下載的"合併欄位總表"打開後,把變數複製,並貼在報表要出現的位置
如:報表上要有課程名稱這個資料,則將合併欄位上的<<課程名稱>> 貼到報表上
8. 請一定要在報表的某處貼上<<電子報表辨識編號>>這個變數;否則無法上傳到電子報表供學生、家長觀看。
1. 回到系統,點開 Routine Report ,在"樣板設定檔"處下拉選項 點選"新增"。
2. 請在"樣板名稱"處輸入此樣板之名稱
3. 點選使用自訂樣板
4. 選擇剛剛編輯好儲存的word檔。
5. 上傳成功後,即會看到所新增的樣板名稱。
6. 若要看此樣板的樣式,可以下方"檢視套印樣板"下載該樣板查看;若此樣板有修改,需要重新上傳,則點選變更套印樣板,重新上傳一次檔案即可。
1. 選擇樣板設定檔後
2. 選擇學年度及學期
3. 請選擇列印的日期區間;週報表通常以周為單位,故請選擇欲列印週的日期
4. 列印科目可選可不選
(1) 若不選擇的話, Routine Report 的排序則依班級座號排序
5. 若要選擇依科目排序的話,請選擇依哪一項科目做排序
6. 列印出來後的報表,請確認資料是否都有顯示出來
(1) 若一個學生有六個不同的老師都對他輸入 Routine Report 的報表,則在這學生身上,會有六張 Routine Report ;一門課程的 Routine Report 是一張A4大小
(2) 若一次列印全班的 Routine Report ,則會依照排序,A學生所有的課程的 Routine Report 都列完後,才會換下一個學生
(3) 上傳成電子報表時,依學生為單位切割成一個檔案
1. 到學生頁簽上,"其他"功能
2. 點選"電子報表上傳"
3. 輸入報表的名稱
20190805-20190809 weekly report
4. 選擇用"系統編號"上傳 (請確認報表中有放此變數)
5. 選擇檔案與上傳
6. 選擇剛剛列印下來的檔案 (請記得先關閉檔案)
7. 上傳後,若比對成功,則會列出狀態為"正常"
註:一個學生一個檔案為單位,若該學生有6頁的 Routine Report 來自不同課程),則點開檔案後會有6頁的內容
上一步驟: 【ESL】操作手冊說明-成績冊Gradebook
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